Learning To Live In Grace Seeking to Reach the Lost _ For those who are looking for a home, a place to come together in worship, in fellowship, and in labor, serving the kingdom of Christ. Learning To Live In Grace Seeking to Reach the Lost You are always welcome here! Please Join Us This Sunday _ Evergreen is a place where you can belong. Sundays at 10:40 are a great place to start. You are always welcome here! Please Join Us This Sunday
Real Church. Real People.
Eaque incidunt officiis harum ipsam rerum ipsame dolore alias vel cumque dolores a velit in aliquam enim veritatis
quis magni nstias placeat repellendus doloremque laborum quas veniam nesciunt, quia, iusto nobis magni.
vitae optio distinctio necessit atibus earum facere magni esse qinros corporis dolorem natus.
Building Holy and Healthy Lives
Vitae optio, distinctio necessitatibus earum facere magni natus eaque consectetur, esse, corporis dolore ostrum ullam cum est sunt.
Experience God’s Presence
Vitae optio, distinctio necessitatibus earum facere magni natus eaque consectetur, esse, corporis dolore ostrum ullam cum est sunt.
Guidance in a Misguided World
Vitae optio, distinctio necessitatibus earum facere magni natus eaque consectetur, esse, corporis dolore ostrum ullam cum est sunt.
Meet Our Team
Eaque incidunt officiis harum ipsam rerum ipsame dolore alias vel cumque dolores a velit in aliquam enim veritatis
quis magni nstias placeat repellendus doloremque laborum quas veniam nesciunt, quia, iusto nobis magni.
Alisha Smith

Social Leader

Sarah George

Project Manager

Andrew Wills


Brenda Wills

Event Manager

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Eaque incidunt officiis harum ipsam rerum ipsame dolore alias vel cumque dolores a velit in aliquam enim veritatis
quis magni nstias placeat repellendus doloremque laborum quas veniam nesciunt, quia, iusto nobis magni.

Evergreen and Coronavirus

Dear Evergreen Family, In light of the situation around us, we are called upon to make wise decisions which honor all of the priorities revealed in God’s Word. God’s Word tells us to love our

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True Liberty

I find myself wondering if Christians understand the concepts of independence,

The All Me-ing I

I would suggest that American Christians have adopted the attitude through what I

Al & Kim Yoder – Brazil – July 2018

Praises: 1. Training sessions with three pastors (interior): One of two may be
