Our complete doctrinal statement may be obtained by contacting us, but here are some of the core truths upon which everything else is built:
Our complete doctrinal statement may be obtained by contacting us, but here are some of the core truths upon which everything else is built:
We teach the sixty-six books of the Bible were written by human authors as they were guided by the Holy Spirit in such a definite way that the original manuscripts were supernaturally inspired so as to be the very Word of God, absolutely free from any error. The Bible is the authoritative, sufficient, and final standard for all matters of faith and life.
We teach the one true God is three distinct persons – Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Each person of the Trinity is equal in divinity yet separate in role. The triune God is perfect in all his attributes including but not limited to: holiness, sovereignty, love, power, justice, faithfulness, knowledge, and mercy.
We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ. He is the eternal Son of God, co-equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit. We also believe in the humanity of Jesus Christ. He is the promised Messiah, sent by God the Father to deliver His people from their sins. Jesus was supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, was crucified on a cross as an atonement for sin, and after three days was bodily resurrected back to life. Having ascended to the right hand of God the Father, He rules over all things.
We believe in the person of the Holy Spirit. He is eternal and co-equal with God the Father and Jesus the Son. He was active in creation, inspired the Scriptures, and testifies of Jesus. The Holy Spirit’s work is to regenerate, convict, indwell, fill, illuminate, guide, comfort, empower, and sanctify God’s people. While we do not recognize or sanction the pursuit or practice of the sign gifts today, we do vigorously endorse the use of spiritual gifts for the strengthening of the Church and the encouragement of the believer.
We teach that as a result of the Fall, all humans are sinners by nature. Sin is violating God’s character of holiness expressed in His revealed law and creation. Our sinfulness separates us from God in this life and by His justice, will result in our separation for eternity in hell. Salvation from this separation is by God’s grace toward the sinner through His gift of personal faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord. He is the Savior for all who believe since His death was a substitute for us and fully satisfied the wrath of God toward the sinner. At salvation, a person is justified by faith before God, imputed with the righteousness of Christ, and born again spiritually to newness of life. The Christian is eternally kept in this position by the power of God as he is now a child of God. The work of God in a person’s life will produce repentance from sin, perseverance in the faith, and a progressive growth into the godly actions and attitudes of Jesus.
We believe in the universal body of Christ comprised of all believers in Jesus Christ. We believe in the local church: a congregation of born-again baptized believers, governed by the Scriptures, whose mission is to glorify God by making disciples of His Son. Evergreen observes two ordinances given by Christ: baptism by immersion following conversion and remembering our Lord through His communion meal.
We teach that Christ will one day return for his Church. His return will signal a time of unprecedented judgment upon man known as the Great Tribulation. This will culminate in the second coming of Christ to destroy His enemies and set up His millennial reign. God’s final judgment upon humanity will consummate in the bodily resurrection of all people; everlasting punishment for the unregenerate and eternal reward for all true disciples of Christ. This final end is our source of hope and comfort in this life and eternal happiness in the next.