About Us

2005 East Coolspring Ave.
Michigan City, IN 46360

9:30 Sunday School
10:40 Morning Worship
6:00 Evening Worship

AWANA Clubs (school year)
Journey Teen Ministry
Bible Study and Prayer

Web Design

When someone is looking for spiritual instruction, encouragement and help, it is important to know whom you are dealing with. Since 1937, Evergreen has proclaimed the truth of God’s Word in the context of a local community of believers in Jesus Christ.

In essence, we are a group of people who have a shared experience in trusting in Jesus, a shared message framed by our doctrinal statement, and a shared life as we live for Christ and serve one another.

Our goal for this website is not simply to advertise a church organization, but to open up an interactive communication with friends we have not yet met. In order for that to happen, you need to know some things about us to help build trust and confidence. Toward that end, we present the following information for your benefit:

Our Pastors

Primary Ministry Concerns

What We Teach

A Word to You From Us

[Welcome] [About Us] [Our Pastors] [Primary Ministry Concerns] [What We Teach] [A Word to You] [Calendar] [Ministries] [Recordings] [Contact]