Primary Ministry Concerns

2005 East Coolspring Ave.
Michigan City, IN 46360

9:30 Sunday School
10:40 Morning Worship
6:00 Evening Worship

AWANA Clubs (school year)
Journey Teen Ministry
Bible Study and Prayer

Web Design

Purpose is one of the basic questions humans have asked themselves over the centuries. As a church, we are responsible to be clear about why we exist. We believe the biblical perspective on mankind’s primary purpose is simply that we are to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

In practical terms, that purpose works out as we delightfully develop lives by faith in Jesus Christ and grow in our skill at honoring God in daily practice.

In order to do that, at Evergreen we develop our ministry around the following primary concerns:
“Worship” is a word deriving from the old word, “worthship.” It is the explanation to the world of what we most value and desire. When all else is said and done, our primary means of glorifying God is by gathering together to sing His praise and submit ourselves to His will as presented in the Bible.
Our weekly gathering on the first day of the week (Sunday) is a celebration of the greatness of God the Father, the love of Jesus Christ, and the unity provided by the work of the Holy Spirit within us. We exist to exalt God, not to feed our egos.

Authority is a key issue for anyone seeking to know truth. Our only claim to authority and knowledge of the truth is that we faithfully preach and teach the Scriptures. The goal of that communication is to enable men and women to first come to know God by faith in Jesus Christ, then to empower them to live lives which are both faithful and fruitful. Therefore the centerpiece of our worship is preaching of the Bible that explains and applies its meaning and priorities.
The central message of the Bible is the good news that what was lost in Adam’s fall may be regained by faith in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross. This gift of an eternal and vibrant life is the focus of our commitment to reach out to neighbors in our community and around the world.
Toward that end the people of Evergreen share the message with family and friends. We have special events at the church that make it attractive and non-threatening to come and hear the message in various forms. We also team with mission agencies to make it feasible to communicate the good news throughout the world.
All of the above is greatly enhanced by the personal relationships formed by people in the context of this local church. Where God is honored and obeyed, people find a place where they belong. First through acceptance of the same grace in Christ, then by the development of nurturing relationships with fellow believers. Over time, it is our goal for every individual believer to find their special place of ministry and fellowship that will honor the unique work of God in their heart and life.

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